
Sporre Tree Service offers our knowledge in the following areas:

Tree Removal
We typically remove trees to:

  • Increase safety around your home and property
  • Allow more sunlight on the property
  • Expand the yard
  • Create space for house additions
  • Remove diseased and/or decaying trees
  • Create a less damp environment for your home

We prune trees for a number of reasons including:

  • Removal of dead, diseased, or insect-infested branches
  • Removal of hazardous branches
  • Removal of limbs that are close to structures
  • To allow sunlight to shine through the canopy of the tree
  • To maintain the natural shape of a specific tree
  • To increase the number and size of the tree’s flowers and/or fruit

Ornamental Pruning

  • Removal of dead, diseased, or insect-infested branches
  • Removal of hazardous branches
  • Removal of limbs that are close to structures
  • To allow sunlight to shine through the canopy of the tree
  • To maintain the natural shape of a specific tree
  • To increase the number and size of the tree’s flowers and/or fruit

Cabling and Bracing
Cabling/bracing is used to increase the stability of trees with weak unions (often V-shaped crotches).

Insect and Disease Diagnosis

Woodland Beautifcation
We clean up fallen branches and trees in your woodlands to allow for an optimal nature sanctuary tailored to your specific landscape.


Brush Chipping

Free Mulch/Chips and Firewood

Contact Ian Sporre, Licensed Arborist, for a free evaluation of your property.